Kids write poetry! It’s the time to rhyme, sing songs, rap and tap! I haven’t found a camper yet that hasn’t enjoyed writing poetry at our summer camps.
Any Topic!
Poetry is typically short and can cover ANY topic. Get your kids to write their own poems by using the guided lessons below.
Kids write poetry about any topic that interests them, dinosaurs, cookies, cars, books, what have you! Choose from the lessons below to get started! Add an easy art accent to add color and charm to each poem.
A to Z Poems
A Horse (or Kitten) A to Z Poem
Our Thanksgiving Turkey-An A to Z Poem
I’m Thankful For–A Thanksgiving List Poem
Diamond Poem
Short Videos
Take this lesson a step further and show your students these fun rap and tap rhyme songs with Jack Har!
There’s definitely more to come!
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