Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay
Persuasive Writing Prompt for Kids-You’ve Got to Visit!

Building Confidence in Young Writers
Building Confidence in Young Writers
Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay
This lion writing prompt focuses on conservation. Lions are often used in unrealistic ways misleading children and people to think that they can be safe pets. This writing lesson gives lions a chance to “speak”! *This post contains affiliate links. …
Students write a persuasive letter to their parents. Choosing a calendar picture is highly motivating and a key component to this writing lesson. Kids LOVE to choose a picture! The first time I taught this persuasive letter writing lesson, students …
The famous Apples to Apples game is great to have on hand. It’s a talking game and has been the biggest hit among my before care campers at my summer writing camps. It’s available for them, and if there are …