In this writing lesson, Rapunzel gets to tell her perspective! *This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.* Kids enjoy a twist on a familiar story. For this writing lesson, the students write in 1st person …
Jack and the Beanstalk Writing Prompt-The Giant’s Perspective
This Jack and the Beanstalk writing prompt is a lot of fun because it focuses on what the giant has to say. Kids seem to really enjoy a good twist on a story. It makes them laugh. They chuckle and …
Watermelon Writing Prompt-One Magic Seed-Fairy Tale
This is a fun watermelon writing prompt. It’s a fairy tale that can be used with any fruit or vegetable that has visible seeds. Furthermore, it’s a prompt that can easily be written in the fall about an apple or …
The “qu” Queen Fairy Tale that Kids Love!
This Q-U Queen fairy tale lesson is just too much fun! The idea stemmed from me wanting to work with the kids on words that start with ‘qu’. These words aren’t terribly common and whenever my young students use them, …