This punctuation game helps writers learn and solidify their understanding of a period, question mark and exclamation point. Common Core State Standards NOTE: This game can address the following Common Core State Standards:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.1, L.K.1.D, L.K.1.F, L.K.2, L.K.2.A, L.K.2.B, L.1.1, L.1.1.J, …
This exclamations game goes great with Comics and Persuasive Writing. Common Core State Standards It can also address the following Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.1, L.K.1.E, L.K.1.F, L.K.2, L.K.2.A, L.K.2.B, L.1.1, L.1.1.D, L.1.1.G, L.1.1.H, L.1.1.I, L.1.1.J, L.1.2, L.1.2.B, L.1.2.D, L.2.1, …