Kids write about snow in this guided writing prompt. Whether kids live in an area where there is no snow, or blizzards year after year, they most likely have something to say about it. This lesson gives them an opportunity to do so!

Common Core State Standards
NOTE: This lesson combines the following 2 Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.1, W.1.1, W.2.1, W.3.1, W.4.1, W.5.1 and W.K.3, W.1.3, W.2.3, W.3.3, W.4.3, W.5.3
To get a full understanding on how I conduct each writing lesson you may want to read the Writing Prompts Introduction post. The lesson outlined below (and all other prompts posted) will make more sense and be easier to follow and use. Here’s the lined paper I use for Grades K-2 and Grades 2-7
Tell the Story Line
- First, tell the story line: You’re going to write your honest thoughts about snow and also tell a short story about a time that you were in snow.
- Explain to the students that a journal is a great place to jot down your most honest feelings; excitement, frustration, disappointment, angst, fear, anger, humor etc.
- Explain to the students that they’re going to write a journal about SNOW.
- Discuss how snow can generate many different thoughts and feelings. For example:
Someone may love or hate snow. Snow activities may excite or bore someone. Someone may have never seen snow and wish they had. Another may live in a heavy snow area and wish they didn’t.
5. Give students time to gather their thoughts and experiences about snow.
Show the 5 Sections
- Introduction
- Describe snow
- Snow activities
- Short story
- Conclusion
As mentioned in my writing prompts introduction: K-1st Graders are encouraged to write 1 sentence for each section, 2nd Graders 2 sentences, 3rd Graders 3 sentences and so on.
- On the first line, right side, write the date.
- Skip a line
- On the third line, left side, write the greeting, Dear Journal,
- Skip a line.
5. On the 5th line, left side, write an introduction using 1-2 sentences.
I love snow! OR It’s snowing again and I hate it!
Describe snow.
6. Describe snow. This section can focus on positive or negative aspects of snow.
Soft white snow covers our house and yard like a blanket. It’s cold and refreshing to eat. I can’t believe how each snow flake that falls on my mitten truly has 6 points!
Snow covers the driveway each year. It’s heavy and cold. It gets my pants wet. When it melts it turns to brown muddy slush.
Snow Activities

7. Write about snow activities (sledding, building a snowman, snowball fights, skiing,shoveling etc.)
A Short Personal Narrative
8. Tell a short story about a time you were in snow. OR, if you’ve never seen snow before, write about what you’ll do the first time that you do see snow.
A Conclusion
9. Write a conclusion using 1-2 sentences:
I can’t wait for it to snow again! OR Snow, melt already!
10. Under the conclusion and in the center of the paper write the salutation: (Your Friend,)
11. Under the salutation write your name.
Print the Lesson
As soon as students are done writing, they can complete their journal by adding a simple snow art accent.
Student Samples
Here are a couple examples:


Memory Card Match using the words COULD and WITH

Tale or Truth-telling our own snow stories!

Fun Facts
Take this lesson a step further. Find and share fun facts about snow here!