Students have a blast trying to write candy names for each letter of the alphabet. Anytime you incorporate candy in a writing prompt or game, it’s most likely going to go very well. Students got to write candy names for …
Write Candy Names-A to Z

Building Confidence in Young Writers
Building Confidence in Young Writers
Kids LOVE these games! They can be played on a classroom whiteboard, chalkboard, or individual whiteboards. They can easily be modified to fit various languages, topics, ages and levels of learning.
Students have a blast trying to write candy names for each letter of the alphabet. Anytime you incorporate candy in a writing prompt or game, it’s most likely going to go very well. Students got to write candy names for …
Spin a noun and write adjectives! This is a great game to help students learn, practice and solidify their knowledge of nouns and adjectives. Common Core State Standards This game goes well with descriptive writing prompts and can address the following …
Students practice writing facts and opinions. This game goes well with persuasive writing or non-fiction pieces. *This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.* Common Core State Standards NOTE: This game can address the following Common …
The core of writing a persuasive piece is supporting your opinion with three reasons, or three main points. In general, students have trouble writing three reasons. They can often write one or two, but lose heart when they find out …
Kids love rhyme! This post lists three games that incorporate rhyme. I say a word and the campers have 60 seconds to list as many words as they can that rhyme with it. So simple! *This post contains affiliate links. …
Here’s a quick game to review irregular past verbs. Common Core State Standards This game can address the following Common Core Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.1.D, L.3.1.D *This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.* One Magnetic Spinner You …
Spin Adjectives Nouns and Verbs is an advanced version of Silly Sentences and works best with older or more advanced writers. It’s more challenging because it involves combining three words to make a sentence instead of two. *This post contains …
Students spin a category, then write nouns for 60 seconds. This is a great game for reviewing vocabulary of any kind. Even now, I’m imagining planning lessons for you all that involve Math, Science or History vocabulary. *This post contains …
This facts and opinions game goes well with persuasive or non-fiction writing pieces. Animal Locations We also play it at animal locations such as the Carolina Tiger Rescue shown in the above picture. This game helps students solidify their understanding of a …
In my camps we definitely play the Apples to Apples-Speaking version more than the writing version. We don’t play this game often, but we almost always play it after writing persuasive pieces. It’s played in the same way as the speaking version. The …