What are Kinkajous? They certainly aren’t bears nor are they in the bear family. In fact, a kinkajou’s closest relative is the raccoon. In addition, they have carnassial teeth which are the same teeth that carnivores have. As a result, the Carolina Tiger Rescue receives and cares for them. That’s where I first heard of a kinkajou and learned that they are sometimes called honey bears because of their love for…..honey!
Click here to see a picture of the Carolina Tiger Rescue’s own kinkajou!
Kinkajous vs. Winnie the Pooh

This lesson is a silly, but factual, comparison between a kinkajou and Winnie the Pooh. Both, the live kinkajou and the cartoon character Winnie the Pooh, are often called “Honey Bears.”
While Kinkajous and Winnie the Pooh are the same in that they both love honey, they are two very different creatures. Use this lesson to teach your students about kinkajous and how to write a compare and contrast essay.
Common Core State Standards
NOTE: This lesson can address the following Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.W.K.2, W.1.2, W.2.2, W.3.2, W.3.2.A, W.3.2.B, W.3.2.C, W.3.2.D, W.4.2, W.4.2.A, W.4.2.B, W.4.2.C, W.4.2.D, W.4.2.E, W.5.2, W.5.2.A, W.5.2.B, W.5.2.C, W.5.2.D and W.5.2.E
Here’s the lesson!
To get a full understanding on how I conduct each writing lesson you may want to read the Writing Prompts Introduction post. The lesson outlined below (and all other prompts posted) will make more sense and be easier to follow and use. Here’s the lined paper I use for Grades K-2 and Grades 2-7
Tell the Story Line
Begin the lesson by telling the story line: You’re going to write a compare and contrast essay about two creatures. The first is a cartoon character called, Winnie the Pooh. The second is a real animal called the ‘Kinkajou.’
Short Videos
First, watch this short, 2 minute video to get your students’ minds thinking and remembering who Winnie the Pooh is and how much he loves honey.
The Bees: The Mini-Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Next, watch these short videos about kinkajous. The first shows a kinkajou eating honey. The second, shows kinkajous eating nectar from flowers at night in the jungle.
Fox 10’s Critter Corner: A Kinkajous Eating Honey
BBC Earth: Kinkajous Eating Flower Nectar at Night
Brainstorm Facts
Now, brainstorm and list facts about Winnie the Pooh. These facts were gathered from the Winnie the Pooh books written by A. A. Milne.
Winnie the Pooh:
- Lives inside a tree in the The Hundred Acre Wood
- Has yellow fur and soft paws
- Wears a red shirt
- Eats honey
- Sleeps at night (diurnal)
- Is friendly and has a lot of friends
Now list facts about the kinkajou. Here are facts gathered from the Carolina Tiger Rescue.
A Kinkajou:
- Lives in the rain forest on the tops of trees
- Has thick, brown fur, sharp claws, sharp teeth, a long powerful tail and a long tongue
- Eats nectar, insects and frogs
- Is nocturnal and born in tree holes
- Is related to the raccoon and is agressive
- Babies are called = “kits” and hiss when they’re scared
- Moms chirp to comfort their baby
Facts Sheet
Third, teach the facts from the facts sheet below about kinkajous and Winnie the Pooh. For younger students, you can simply read these facts to them and discuss them. For older students, you can give them a copy of the facts sheet to read, discuss and refer to when they write.
Print the Facts Sheet to Give to Older Students
Note: The fact sheet is also included in the full guided writing lesson printout at the bottom of this outline.
Show the 5 Sections
Engaging Introduction
Main Idea/Similarities
Winnie the Pooh
Remember: K-1st Graders are encouraged to write 1 sentence for each section, 2nd Graders 2 sentences, 3rd Graders 3 sentences and so on.
Transitional Words
Encourage writers to use any of the following words in their writing: First of all, In contrast, For example, especially, another, also, because, and, more, but
Show the following 5 sections on the whiteboard. Then, guide the students through each step. They are free to use their own words.
- First, write an introduction that engages the reader. Ask the reader questions about honey, kinkajous or Winnie the Pooh.
- Second, write the main idea that kinkajous and Winnie the Pooh both like honey but are actually very different.
- Next, use facts from your fact sheet to write all about Winnie the Pooh.
- Then, use facts from your fact sheet to write all about kinkajous.
- Finally, write a conclusion that restates the main idea. Congratulate your reader for learning about kinkajous, etc.

As soon as the students finish their work, allow them a bit of honey! They can also draw dripping honey around the border of writing. Another art accent idea is students pasting an image of a kinkajou and another of Winnie the Pooh at the top of their essay.
Student Samples

Sentence Scramblers Use this list of Kinkajou facts to scramble
The Penny Game: Name facts about a kinkajou!

Extra Resources