Kids love rhyme! This post lists three games that incorporate rhyme.
I say a word and the campers have 60 seconds to list as many words as they can that rhyme with it. So simple!
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Common Core State Standards
NOTE: This game can address the following Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.2.A
For smaller groups (up to 8), and if I have a large white board or chalkboard, I divide the board into 4 sections. A pair is assigned to each section.
Larger Groups
For larger groups, (or if I don’t have a classroom whiteboard) I divide the group into pairs. I give each pair a small white board, dry erase marker and a sock to serve as an eraser. You can purchase a class pack on Amazon*.
Mixed Ages and Abilities
If it’s a group of mixed ages and abilities, I pair the campers by putting an older child with a younger child. Older children take a turn together. Then, the younger children take a turn together. That way, I can give easier words for the younger group and more advanced words for the older group. I write the word on the whiteboard and set the timer on my phone for 1 minute.
The kids list as many words as they can that rhyme with the word I said and wrote.
Checking Their Lists
At the end of the 60 seconds, I glance quickly at the lists to make sure the words written indeed rhyme. If a word doesn’t rhyme, the camper has to erase it. Campers tally a point for each rhyming word that they listed
I don’t worry about spelling here. If the word is phonetically written so I can tell what it’s supposed to be, they get a point.
Continue play until everyone has had a turn or your allotted time runs out!
Here’s a list of words, I have used when playing this game.
Younger group: sad, hat, pen, not, see, cake, fast, play, big, tail, bear
Older group: date, rain, greet, boat, mean, age, row, ice, speak, straight, dance, right, stream, friend, think, thought
Print the Instructions
Here are the instructions for you to print out and use.
Need a Worksheet?
Print this activity page for Grades K-1
Print this activity page for Grades 2-5
2. Fill in the Blank-Rhyme!

Fill in the Blank Rhyme is fast and fun!
Common Core State Standards
NOTE: This game can address the following Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.2.A
First, divide the group of children into two groups, a left side and a right side.
Next, one child from each group stands up. I begin a phrase from the list.
Then, the two children race to fill in the blank with a word that rhymes with the phrase!
Last, they sit. The next two stand. It’s meant to move quickly and often gets fun and silly!
For example, “Shout a ____” may stump the children so they’ll shout out made up words (that indeed rhyme). You can accept these made up words or wait for them to come up with something that is real such as “Shout a pout,” which itself is funny.
You don’t need to go through the entire list. Play according to the time you have. There are no points, no wins. Just fun!
Print the Instructions
3. Rhyme Spelling
Rhyme Spelling is a little more advanced as it focuses on different spelling patterns that make the same sound. It goes well with prompts that focus on rhyme.
There are three parts. Each part is rather quick.
Here’s how you play:
- First, write the following rhyme pairs on the white board
chunky | drowsy | green | Air |
monkey | lousy | Mean | bear |
curl | squeeze | tails | Leap |
girl | tease | males | beep |
2. Next, explain to the students that many rhyming parts aren’t spelled the same.
3. Then, read each rhyming pair on the board. Then, have students take turns stating differences they see. (i.e. lousy has ou, drowsy has ow)
4. Fourth, say a word. Have a student go to the blackboard to erase the word that RHYMES with it. Continue taking turns until all the words are erased.
5. Fifth, write the following rhyming pairs on the board, one pair at a time. For each pair, a student has to say which word is misspelled. One turn per student.
1st Turn | 2nd Turn | 3rd Turn | 4th Turn | 5th Turn | 6th Turn |
chunky | drousy | green | air | cirl | teeze |
munky | lousy | meen | bair | girl | squeeze |
7th Turn | 8th Turn | 9th Turn | 10th | 11th Turn | 12th Turn |
Beap | Tails | Street | Caik | Sail | Boat |
Leap | Whails | Seet | Bake | Fale | Cote |
Circle Spelling
If time allows, play circle spelling around the room. Say a word below. The 1st student says the 1st letter, the 2nd student says the 2nd letter and so on. When a student says the wrong letter he/she has to sit out or simply skip to the next student. Continue play until only one student remains or you’ve used all the words.
Air | Green | Lousy | Tease |
Bear | Mean | Drowsy | Squeeze |
Girl | Beep | Chunky | Boat |
Curl | Leap | Monkey | coat |
Print the Instructions
Here are the instructions for you to print out and use.
Writing Prompts
We’ve played these games after the following writing prompts:
Calendar Page-Rhyming Couplets and Quatrains