Spiders get kids attention. A super simple spider art accent inspired this writing prompt. Remember that the easy art accents are highly motivating to students and reward them for their work! Because of that, they’re meant to be completed AFTER …
Limericks Kids Love to Write!
Write Limericks around St. Patrick’s Day or any day! A Limerick is a 5 line poem with a rhyming pattern of AABBA. It’s typically a funny short story about a person in a specific place. In this post, I’m going …
A Thanksgiving Poem Parents Will Love!
This Thanksgiving poem was a lot of fun! I even had parents email me back commenting on how much they enjoyed reading their child’s poem. It works best for students in Grades 2-5. I’ve included a version for K-1 or …
“Packing”-A List Poem that Make Kids Laugh and Happy!
This has to rank among one of my most favorite lessons to teach. The thought of packing a suitcase for a fun trip gets the kids excited and thinking. Poetry Around the World I thought of this lesson this past …
Kids Write Rhyme that They Love!
Kids really like to write rhyme! In this post, I’m going to show you how kids can write rhyme to go along with an old calendar picture, which has been a big hit EVERY TIME! Secondly, I’m going to show …