
Dear Readers, this blog contains ideas that have worked successfully for me in my teaching experience and I have posted them in hopes that they will work well for you also!


However, I cannot guarantee that you will have the same results every time with every child and so cannot be held accountable for your own experiences.  While I hope many of the ideas posted can encourage and help children with special needs, I am not certified to work with children with special needs nor do I have extensive experience doing so.  The content posted is for information only and should not be taken as professional advice.


The content that I have provided for each blog post is accurate to the best of my knowledge and experience, but there certainly may be omissions, mistakes or errors.   You are encouraged to try out the activities using your best judgement.  Again, the ideas are for informational purposes only and should not be seen as professional advice.  If you rely on any information posted, it’s at your own risk and I am not held responsible.


Unless otherwise noted directly in a post, I am the legal copyright holder of all material on this blog.  Others are not allowed to reprint or publish the content without my written permission.

The images posted have been taken by myself, Lauren Leith Photography or downloaded from Pixabay.com.


I will hold your personal information in highest regard and will not share it with any third party.  However, I am not responsible for the privacy practices of any of the advertisers or commenters that may appear on this blog.


Throughout this blog, I have linked to materials and products that I have used and love.  At other times, I refer to products that I have found randomly in stores.  I link to products similar to the ones I have purchased for convenient online shopping.  The content posted relative to any of these products is my personal opinion and does not reflect the opinions of any organizations that I am affiliated with.

While I have had positive experiences with the products I’ve mentioned, there’s no guarantee that you will have the same experience.  In the event that you have a problem with a product I have referred to and you have purchased, you must take action with the product’s company to resolve any issues.  I am not responsible for any negative experiences pertaining to products discussed on my blog.


As the author of this blog, I reserve the right to change how this blog is run and the focus or content of the blog at any time.