In this game, I say an adjective or write one on a whiteboard at the front of the class. (chalkboards and Smart Boards work just as well). The campers have 2 minutes to write nouns that the adjective describes. Common …
One Adjective-Many Nouns

Building Confidence in Young Writers
Building Confidence in Young Writers
Kids LOVE these games! They can be played on a classroom whiteboard, chalkboard, or individual whiteboards. They can easily be modified to fit various languages, topics, ages and levels of learning.
In this game, I say an adjective or write one on a whiteboard at the front of the class. (chalkboards and Smart Boards work just as well). The campers have 2 minutes to write nouns that the adjective describes. Common …
I’ve found letter tiles to be a great add on to my writing activities. *This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.* Super Cheap! They can be super cheap! Over the course of a summer I …
Sentence Scramblers is a winner game EVERY TIME for my students! Chinese High School I first began using this sentence scramblers in China (Read my full teaching background here.) when all I had was chalk and a chalkboard. I was …
Correct the Paragraph is old school, but the kids LOVE it! During a camp week, I typically play this game Monday-Wednesday. Thursday and Friday is filled with other games. I’m delightfully surprised when, come Thursday, a child shouts out, “Aww…why …